Sunday, February 13, 2011


Despite the fact that the title character spends much his time analyzing blood, I really enjoy the show Dexter. It's about a psychopathic man named Dexter who, knowing he will never be able to curb his need to kill, decides to channel his abilities into finding and killing rapists, murderers, and serial killers.

What gets me the most about this show is the fact that even though Dexter is emotionless and addicted to killing people, you can't help but feel sorry for him. He lives in a world where he will never fit in, and he has to constantly wear a mask in order to fit in. He has a hard time understanding people, but he tries to. Dexter also tries to make the best of his need to kill by only killing those who, in his opinion, need to be brought to justice. He lives by a strict code of ethics: no killing children, animals, bystanders, or the innocent. He does his reasearch incredibly meticulously, sometimes holding off killing someone for months just so he can be sure that it's the right person.

I would say that Dexter is, overall, a good person. J.K. Rowling wrote that it is our choices, far more than our abilities, that define us. Dexter could easily hide out somewhere, killing whomever he pleased and disposing of them neatly and surreptitiously. No one would ever notice. But he doesn't. He works for the police, he brings people to justice, he would do anything for his girlfriend, Rita. He wants to be a good person, and tries to make the best of his situation. It feels really weird saying that about a fictional vigilante serial killer, but there you have it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Oh my gawd IB teaches you nothing. AP is so much better." (Shoutout to Ian Kropp)

So there's this one person I know who is so militantly anti-IB that it makes me want to scream. Every single time someone even mentions IB, he goes nuts trying to prove how inferior it is compared to AP. I have nothing against AP; it's just so irritating howthis person feels compelled to butt in to something that has no bearing on his own life. He's never taken a single IB class. It doesn't affect him in any way, yet he constantly goes out of his way to make it sound like it's Satan's own personal way of torturing him or something.

I mean, if he had taken an IB class that left him woefully unprepared for college, or had an IB student beat him up for taking AP courses, that would be one thing. But no, he just inexplicably hates it. I think it's because he thinks it's unfair that we get weighted grades when "IB classes are basically just honors classes regurgitated into two years and they teach you a bunch of liberal bullcrap." For the record, I know people of a myriad of different political affiliations who have taken IB.

I took IB because I thought it seemed like it would be a better match for my persoonal learning style and iinterests. Not because I loathe AP with the intensity of a thousand suns. Not because I detest the people in it. I wouldn't say IB is better than AP. Not in the least. In fact, I liked AP History and did very well in the class. Some of my best friends are going the AP route and I respect that. It's a personal choice, and I think both programs have their strengths and weaknesses. I just hate when people don't understand that and get so uptight and angry.

I always want to say, "Dude. It's not your life. Who cares? Let it go!"

Quote hall of fame:
"Pssh. IB is a waste of time."
"Don't even get me started."
"How did I know that answer? AP BIO!!!!"
"If you learned it in 'IB', why didn't you say it? Too afraid you'll be WRONG?"
"Languages and arts are useless for those of us who actually want to accomplish something with our lives."