Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Scenic World

[Note: in order to inspire myself to think outside the box, I'm going to make the title of each post a random song from my iPod. I'll post a link to it if possible; this is my way of incorporating my need for some sort of  structure as well as my love of music. It might lead to some weird posts, but oh well.]


I think sometimes we don't give ourselves enough credit as human beings. We're quick to mistrust and doubt ourselves and others. Call it idealistic, but I agree with Anne Frank when she said, "I believe, in spite of it all, that people are really good at heart."

Despite my veneer of cynicism, I believe that all humans are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. Concepts of honor, loyalty, and respect have been beaten into us since birth. It’s in out genes, really; these ideas have been around for thousands of years, outlasting civilizations, technology, even entire races. These ideas are evident in every religion on this earth. It stands to reason that they are humans’ way of articulating concepts that are abstract, but certainly felt or sensed in the heart. Languages and cultures change, but these do not.

I guess what I'm trying to say is to have a little faith in your fellow humans. They're really not all that different from you. Chances are, if you left your wallet somewhere it will be returned to you, if you come up short at the cash register someone will help you. Also have faith in yourself-ordinary people can accomplish and endure so much if they only have the right attitude.

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