This might seem a bit contradictory to what I said in my last post, but I'll try to explain it well enough that it won't be.
I am very opinionated when it comes to books and movies that I love. My friends know firsthand that I will ferociously berate anyone who dares say a word against Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird, or The Catcher in the Rye. "Why don't you like it? Huh? Answer the question. WHAT ABOUT THE CATCHER IN THE RYE DID YOU NOT FIND RIVETING AND PERFECT?" is my typical response to someone saying, "Meh, I didn't really like it that much." And then I get all passive-aggressive.
I guess I just have problems accepting the fact that the things I love are not as near and dear to others' hearts.
I completely agree on two of your books.