Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh Well, Okay

Oh Well, Okay-Eliott Smith

I just realized that, in every blog post I have written so far, I have posted a disclaimer. "Now, that's not always true..." or  "I realize that not all...". Why do I even do this? Shouldn't I feel free to voice my opinions on my own blog? Well, I guess I don't.

It's hard to be confident in your own opinions. I have "retracted" things I've said on many occasions because I was afraid of offending someone. I was at a fair a few months ago with a friend, talking about how we didn't like Justin Bieber, when a large group of preteen girls affronted us about it. I immediately backpedaled, mumbling that I didn't really think Justin Bieber was all that bad, that I actually liked some of his songs (all of it, of course, was complete nonsense. I doubt I will ever like any of Justin Bieber's music). I was really angry at myself later for not saying, "Yeah, that's right. I DON'T like Justin Bieber. It's my opinion."

So from now on, no more disclaimers. I'll try to speak my opinions and not waffle back and forth like I usually do.

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