Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'll get to it...EVENTUALLY!

Today, on this lovely Sunday, I find myself in a place I've been many times, and will probably continue to find myself for years to come: at the computer, doing homework because I forgot about it until now or procrastinated. Actually, let's be honest: I just procrastinated.

I wish I could stop putting things off, but at this point it doesn't seem likely to happen. Truthfully, it's a lot more motivating to get something done when it's 11:00 rather than 3:00. It's obviously not a very healthy study system, but it works for now. I tend to underestimate the amount of homework I have, leading to the "I can do it after dinner" mentality I'm stuck in. And after that, the hours just fly by in a mad dash to get everything done. That's without a wrench being thrown into the system, such as the printer being out of ink or my computer freezing up. When that happens, all hell breaks loose and then I put off solving my problem until the morning.

In the morning, I usually get ready first, then do homework and fix computer issues, then eat if I'm lucky. And then when I get to school, I brag about how late I stayed up and how early I woke up. We really will brag about anything.

But hey, at least I'm being proactive today. I'm doing some of my homework before dinner. Small victories.

Amanda Show-Procrastination-This is so me.

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