Sunday, November 28, 2010

We stink!

According to our French teacher, French peopple think Americans smell bad.

You're probably laughing-"US? WE smell bad?"-but it's kind of true when you think about it. Right now, I smell like a myriad of products-rosemary, mint, lemon, vanilla, cocoa, almond, butterfly flower, and lavendar.  And it smells weird. Americans use so many types of lotions and perfumes to make ourselves smell good that we often produce a heavy, cloying smell. People in the US say that people in other countries smell bad because they don't wear as much deodorant or perfume, but anyone who has ever smelled PINK perfume knows that the foreigners may be on to something.

I don't know why I felt the need to write this. I guess it's because I just took a shower and the smell of shampoo is following me everywhere.

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